About The Web Tools Newsletter

With so many tools available, it can be overwhelming to know which ones are worth your time and effort. That's why we created this bi-weekly newsletter - to help you stay on top of the latest and greatest tools for web development.

Our newsletter covers a wide range of topics, including backend development, frontend development, DevOps, design, business and project management, and more. Each edition features a short list of tools, with no long reviews. Our goal is to keep things simple and to the point, so you can quickly and easily find the resources you need to take your projects to the next level.

We're passionate about helping others become better web developers and we're excited to share our knowledge and resources with you. Sign up now to receive the latest edition of The Web Tools Newsletter straight to your inbox and stay ahead of the game. Thank you for choosing to join our community!"

The list will be updated every two week and is curated by @maesbn.

Don't hesitate to share your favorite tool with me on Twitter! You can also promote your own tool if you want ☺️

If you have any question or remarks, feel free to contact me.


Don't miss any tool, subscribe here!